How to say Everything in French?
What does Tout mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Everything is translated in French by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ouais, tout s'est bien passé.
Yeah, everything went well.
Yeah, everything went well.
Les enfants veulent tout savoir.
Children want to know everything.
Children want to know everything.
Tout va bien? C'était à votre goût?
Everything is good? Did you like it?
Everything is good? Did you like it?
Nous allons vérifier tout ça, madame.
We are going to check everything, ma'am.
We are going to check everything, ma'am.
J'ai acheté tout ce dont j'avais besoin.
I bought everything I needed.
I bought everything I needed.
Vous oublieriez tout sans moi.
You would forget everything without me.
You would forget everything without me.
Vous aviez tort sur toute la ligne.
You were wrong about everything.
You were wrong about everything.
Nous allons tout réviser vendredi.
We are going to review everything on Friday.
We are going to review everything on Friday.
Nous effacerons tout et recommencerons.
We will erase everything and start again.
We will erase everything and start again.
De rien. Nous allons faire tout notre possible.
You're welcome. We'll do everything we can.
You're welcome. We'll do everything we can.
Avez-vous trouvé tout ce dont vous cherchiez?
Did you find everything you were looking for?
Did you find everything you were looking for?
Selon cette radiographie, tout va bien.
According to this X-ray, everything is good.
According to this X-ray, everything is good.
Tout ce qui nous appartient se trouve dans ces boîtes.
Everything we own is in these boxes.
Everything we own is in these boxes.
Ah, je sais. Qu'acheter à un homme qui a déjà tout?
Oh, I know. What to buy a man who has everything?
Oh, I know. What to buy a man who has everything?
Je n'ai pas vraiment écouté et j'ai tout oublié.
I didn't really listen and I forgot everything.
I didn't really listen and I forgot everything.
Tu comprenais tout quand tu étais jeune.
You used to understand everything when you were young.
You used to understand everything when you were young.
Tu demanderais de l'aide, mais tu comprends tout.
You would ask for help, but you understand everything.
You would ask for help, but you understand everything.
J'aurais tout risqué si je m'étais lancé en affaire.
I would have risked everything if I had started a business.
I would have risked everything if I had started a business.
Ils vont tout clarifier pendant la réunion annuelle.
They are going to clarify everything during the annual meeting.
They are going to clarify everything during the annual meeting.
Tu obtiendrais tout ce que tu veux si tu le voulais vraiment.
You would obtain everything you want if you'd set your mind to it.
You would obtain everything you want if you'd set your mind to it.
Je vous le dirais s'il y avait un problème, mais tout va bien.
I would tell you if there were a problem, but everything is going well.
I would tell you if there were a problem, but everything is going well.
Et c'est ça le problème. Si on parlait tous normalement, tout serait plus facile!
And that's the problem. If we all spoke normally, everything would be easier!
And that's the problem. If we all spoke normally, everything would be easier!
Il va tout répéter plus tard, donc s'il vous plaît, gardez vos questions pour la fin.
He is going to repeat everything later, so please, hold your questions until the end.
He is going to repeat everything later, so please, hold your questions until the end.
More Example Sentences.
Tout va bien!
Everything is fine!
Everything is fine!
Tout avait changé.
Everything had changed.
Everything had changed.
Je verrais tout d'en haut.
I would see everything from above.
I would see everything from above.
J'espère que tout se passera bien.
I hope everything goes well.
I hope everything goes well.
Les gens rient de tout ce que je dis.
People laugh at everything I say.
People laugh at everything I say.
J'espère que je ferai tout comme il faut.
I hope I'll do everything right.
I hope I'll do everything right.
De nos jours, tout est automatique.
We have automatic everything nowadays.
We have automatic everything nowadays.
Manuel a répondu: Tout va très bien!
Manuel replied: Everything's going very well!
Manuel replied: Everything's going very well!
Je ferai tout ce que l'entraîneur m'a appris.
I'll do everything the coach taught me.
I'll do everything the coach taught me.
Tout a changé le jour de mes 16 ans.
Everything changed on the day of my 16th birthday.
Everything changed on the day of my 16th birthday.
Mais maintenant, je dois tout laisser derrière moi.
But now, I must leave everything behind.
But now, I must leave everything behind.
Elle semblait tout comprendre instantanément.
She seemed to understand everything instantly.
She seemed to understand everything instantly.
Tout semblait sombre et couvert de poussière.
Everything looked dark and was covered in dirt.
Everything looked dark and was covered in dirt.
Je lui raconte tout ce qui s'est passé aujourd'hui.
I tell her everything that happened today.
I tell her everything that happened today.
Tout semblait indiquer que l'ours était parti.
Everything seemed to indicate that the bear had left.
Everything seemed to indicate that the bear had left.
Je dois faire tout ce que l'humain me dit de faire.
I have to do everything the human tells me to do.
I have to do everything the human tells me to do.
Il achèterait tout ce dont il avait besoin pour la semaine.
He'd get everything he needed for the week.
He'd get everything he needed for the week.
J'espère pouvoir te donner tout ce que tu mérites.
I hope to be able to give you everything you deserve.
I hope to be able to give you everything you deserve.
Presque tout dans ma vie provient de l'internet.
Pretty much everything in my life comes from the internet.
Pretty much everything in my life comes from the internet.
Croyez-le ou non, les gens jetaient tout dans la rue auparavant.
Believe it or not, people used to throw everything on the street.
Believe it or not, people used to throw everything on the street.
Le jour est finalement arrivé et tout était prêt pour l'événement.
The day finally arrived and everything was ready for the event.
The day finally arrived and everything was ready for the event.
Ils ont appris qu'avoir un point de vue différent change tout.
They learned that having a different point of view changes everything.
They learned that having a different point of view changes everything.
Le problème, c'est que les gens se mettent à rire à tout ce que je dis.
The problem is that people start laughing at everything I say.
The problem is that people start laughing at everything I say.
Je promets de faire tout ce que je peux pour être la mère dont tu auras besoin.
I promise to do everything I can to be the mom you need me to be.
I promise to do everything I can to be the mom you need me to be.
Il me répète encore une fois qu'il est occupé et qu'il ne peut pas tout faire.
He tells me once again that he is busy and that he cannot do everything.
He tells me once again that he is busy and that he cannot do everything.
Il me répète qu'il est très occupé, et qu'il ne peut pas tout faire dans une journée.
He repeats that he's very busy, and he can't do everything in one day.
He repeats that he's very busy, and he can't do everything in one day.
Changer de site le rendait encore plus dangereux, parce que tout était moins familier.
Changing site made it even more dangerous, because everything was not as familiar.
Changing site made it even more dangerous, because everything was not as familiar.
Elle a sourit et a dit, très émue, qu'elle ferait tout son possible pour que ça arrive.
She smiled and said, very moved, that she would do everything in her power to make it happen.
She smiled and said, very moved, that she would do everything in her power to make it happen.
Ils ont finalement tout vendu à une compagnie dédiée à la fabrication de bijoux précieux.
They finally sold everything to a company dedicated to the manufacture of precious jewelry.
They finally sold everything to a company dedicated to the manufacture of precious jewelry.
Il y a tellement de texte pour décrire les chaussures que je n'ai pas pris le temps de tout lire.
There is so much text to describe the shoes that I didn't take the time to read everything.
There is so much text to describe the shoes that I didn't take the time to read everything.
Ils pouvaient seulement aller à l'école et faire leurs devoirs, puisque tout le reste était interdit.
They could only go to school and do their homework, since everything else was forbidden.
They could only go to school and do their homework, since everything else was forbidden.
Tout avait une origine et une raison d'être, alors il voulait aller au fond de cette histoire.
Everything had an origin and a reason for being, so he wanted to get to the bottom of this story.
Everything had an origin and a reason for being, so he wanted to get to the bottom of this story.
Clémentine, furieuse et effrayée en même temps, a raconté tout ce qui était arrivé à Madame Jimena.
Clementine, furious and scared at the same time, told everything that happened to Lady Jimena.
Clementine, furious and scared at the same time, told everything that happened to Lady Jimena.
À cette époque, ce n'était pas facile de détecter une maladie et tout s'était passé très soudainement.
At that time, it wasn't easy to detect an illness and everything had happened very suddenly.
At that time, it wasn't easy to detect an illness and everything had happened very suddenly.
Ils ont aussi remarqué que ce n'était pas une bonne chose de tout donner à Max sans qu'il le mérite.
They also noticed that it was not a good thing to give everything to Max without him deserving it.
They also noticed that it was not a good thing to give everything to Max without him deserving it.
L'été a finalement pris fin et Max est retourné à la maison en racontant à ses parents tout ce qu'il avait appris.
Summer finally came to an end and Max returned home telling his parents everything he'd learned.
Summer finally came to an end and Max returned home telling his parents everything he'd learned.
La musique s'arrête et j'entends une voix rassurante: Je suis désolé, madame, nous faisons tout ce que nous pouvons.
The music stops and I hear a reassuring voice: I'm so sorry ma'am, we're doing everything we can.
The music stops and I hear a reassuring voice: I'm so sorry ma'am, we're doing everything we can.