How to say Everywhere in German?
What does Überall mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Everywhere is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Sie will überall auf der Welt arbeiten.
She wants to work everywhere in the world.
She wants to work everywhere in the world.
Wenn du Deutsch sprichst, kannst du überall in Deutschland hinreisen.
If you speak German, you can travel everywhere in Germany.
If you speak German, you can travel everywhere in Germany.
More Example Sentences.
Überall, wo ich hingehe, höre ich: Hey, schau mal! Es ist dieser Clown aus dem Fernsehen.
Everywhere I go, I hear: Hey look! It's that clown from TV.
Everywhere I go, I hear: Hey look! It's that clown from TV.