How to say Family in Spanish?
What does Familia mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

Family is translated in Spanish by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

We are a happy family.

Don't abandon your family.

We will fix the car as a family.

We love to travel as a family.

All I want is a normal family life.

I am happy to be here with my family.

That's awesome! Family is very important.

It was great! I went to the beach with my family.

Look, I know I am sometimes distracted and forget about my family.
More Example Sentences.

His family was quite humble.

Everyone in her family had superpowers.

Tanya was a girl born in a family of superheros.

He kept in touch with his family by mail.

The power outage taught the whole family something.

They prepared a big dinner and ate as a family.

He prefers to come home to his family every day.

For him, raising a family is what truly matters.

It is easy to stay in touch with family and friends.

The general then asked him: Do you have a family, soldier?

She decided to go home to tell her family the good news.

Despite the storm, my whole family is warm and safe in the house.

His entire family lived in the same house, in the north of the province.

The former soldier carried out his plan and moved his family to a house in nature.

Meanwhile, his family waited anxiously at home as the hours went by.

Maybe it's because their parents or people in their family are not nice to them.

The soldier had plans to move to the countryside after returning home to his family.

We all stay close to the fireplace and continue to have a good time as a family.

My dad asks the bill to pay for this delicious meal and this nice time with the family.

A soldier who had enrolled in the army to defend his country, missed his family very much.

They had a beautiful wedding ceremony with what mattered most to them; their closest family and friends.

But deep down in his heart, he had the deep sadness of not being able to see his family for months.

The general gave him some good news: I've decided to send you home, so you can be with your family.