How to say Famous in German?
What does Berühmt mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Famous is translated in German by...
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Sie ist eine berühmte Schauspielerin.
She is a famous actress.
She is a famous actress.
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Irgendwann wurde er in der Welt des Boxens als herausragender Trainer berühmt.
He eventually became famous in the boxing world as an outstanding coach.
He eventually became famous in the boxing world as an outstanding coach.
Sein Ruhm verbreitete sich langsam über das Land und Mateo wurde mit der Zeit ein sehr berühmter Pianist.
His fame slowly dispersed throughout the country and Mateo became a very famous pianist over time.
His fame slowly dispersed throughout the country and Mateo became a very famous pianist over time.
An diesem wundervollen Ort erinnerte sich der berühmte Archäologe an die Geschichte der vergessenen Zivilisation.
In this wonderful place, the famous archaeologist recalled the story of the forgotten civilization.
In this wonderful place, the famous archaeologist recalled the story of the forgotten civilization.