How to say Famous in Italian?
What does Famoso mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Famous is translated in Italian by...
Famoso (m) / Famosa (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
È un'attrice famosa.
She is a famous actress.
She is a famous actress.
More Example Sentences.
Alla fine è diventato famoso nel mondo della boxe come un allenatore eccezionale.
He eventually became famous in the boxing world as an outstanding coach.
He eventually became famous in the boxing world as an outstanding coach.
In questo luogo meraviglioso, il famoso archeologo ha riportato alla mente la storia della civiltà dimenticata.
In this wonderful place, the famous archaeologist recalled the story of the forgotten civilization.
In this wonderful place, the famous archaeologist recalled the story of the forgotten civilization.
C'era una volta una città con un famoso ippodromo, i migliori cavalli purosangue della città vi correvano.
There once was a town with a famous horse racetrack. The best thoroughbred horses in the city ran there.
There once was a town with a famous horse racetrack. The best thoroughbred horses in the city ran there.
La sua fama si è diffusa gradualmente in tutto il paese e Matteo è diventato un pianista molto famoso nel corso del tempo.
His fame slowly dispersed throughout the country and Mateo became a very famous pianist over time.
His fame slowly dispersed throughout the country and Mateo became a very famous pianist over time.