How to say Far in Italian?
What does Lontano mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Far is translated in Italian by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Non andrebbe molto lontano!
You wouldn't go very far!
You wouldn't go very far!
Lui può vedere molto lontano.
He can see very far.
He can see very far.
Non ci credo! È lontano da qui?
No way! Is it far from here?
No way! Is it far from here?
È lontano! Il volo è stato lungo?
That is far away! Was it a long flight?
That is far away! Was it a long flight?
Lei è venuta da molto lontano per vedere questo.
She came from very far to see this.
She came from very far to see this.
Non male, ma sono ben lontano dal poter andare in pensione!
It's not bad, but I'm far from being retired!
It's not bad, but I'm far from being retired!
More Example Sentences.
Voleva solo andarsene lontano.
She just wanted to go far away.
She just wanted to go far away.
Almeno non l'ho sentito russare da così lontano.
At least I couldn't hear him snore from so far away.
At least I couldn't hear him snore from so far away.
Siamo un po' lontani dal palco, ma i biglietti erano molto più economici.
We are a bit far from the stage, but the tickets were much cheaper.
We are a bit far from the stage, but the tickets were much cheaper.
Ha finalmente visto il cervo nascosto dietro un albero non troppo lontano.
He finally saw the deer hidden behind a tree not too far away.
He finally saw the deer hidden behind a tree not too far away.