How to say Fast in German?
What does Schnell mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Fast is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Der Gepard ist schnell.
The cheetah is fast.
The cheetah is fast.
Er fährt viel zu schnell!
He is going way too fast!
He is going way too fast!
Ich sehe die schnelle Katze.
I see the fast cat.
I see the fast cat.
Ich sehe das schnelle Auto.
I see the fast car.
I see the fast car.
Ich sehe einen schnellen Hund.
I see a fast dog.
I see a fast dog.
Ich sehe eine schnelle Katze.
I see a fast cat.
I see a fast cat.
Ich sehe die schnellen Autos.
I see the fast cars.
I see the fast cars.
Ich sehe keine schnellen Autos.
I see no fast cars.
I see no fast cars.
Jenes Pferd läuft sehr schnell.
That horse runs very fast.
That horse runs very fast.
Dieser Wagen kann sehr schnell fahren.
This vehicle can go very fast.
This vehicle can go very fast.
Dein Auto ist nicht so schnell wie meins.
Your car is not as fast as mine.
Your car is not as fast as mine.
Nun, ja. Aber die Zeit geht schnell rum, wenn man etwas zu tun hat.
Well, yes. But the time goes by fast if you have something to do.
Well, yes. But the time goes by fast if you have something to do.
More Example Sentences.
Er fährt sehr schnell.
He drives really fast.
He drives really fast.
Der Service ist hier sehr schnell.
The service is very fast here.
The service is very fast here.
Mein Herz schlägt wirklich schnell.
My heart is beating really fast.
My heart is beating really fast.
Billy war ein junger, schneller und starker Esel.
Billy was a young, fast and strong donkey.
Billy was a young, fast and strong donkey.
Das Pferd konnte niemals so schnell rennen wie das andere Tier.
The horse could never run as fast as the other animal.
The horse could never run as fast as the other animal.
Mein Herz schlägt schneller, weil ich Angst vor seiner Reaktion habe.
My heart is beating fast because I'm afraid of his reaction.
My heart is beating fast because I'm afraid of his reaction.
Clementines Küken wuchsen schnell und alle wurden erwachsene Hühner.
Clementine's chicks grew fast and they all became adult chickens.
Clementine's chicks grew fast and they all became adult chickens.
Ich esse mein Müsli so schnell, dass ich die Schüssel über meine Jacke schütte.
I eat my cereal so fast that I spill the bowl on my cardigan.
I eat my cereal so fast that I spill the bowl on my cardigan.
Du wächst so schnell! Ich kann es einfach nicht glauben. Es ist unfassbar!
You're growing so fast! I just can't believe it! It's unbelievable!
You're growing so fast! I just can't believe it! It's unbelievable!
Jeder sprach über seine Fähigkeit, unglaublich schnell zu rennen, während er Hindernissen auswich.
Everyone talked about his ability to run incredibly fast while avoiding obstacles.
Everyone talked about his ability to run incredibly fast while avoiding obstacles.