How to say Field in French?

What does Champ mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Field” in French? What is the meaning of “Champ”?

Field is translated in French by...

Le champ (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Nous nous reposons dans le champ.
We are resting in the field.
Il apporte une chose dans le champ.
He is bringing a thing in the field.
Elle va cueillir des fleurs dans le champ.
She is going to pick some flowers in the field.
Nous avons trouvé des oeufs de Pâques dans le champ.
We found Easter eggs in the field.
Il m'a demandé ce que je faisais dans le champ.
He asked me what I was doing in the field.

More Example Sentences.

La ferme avait des champs de blé, de riz et quelques légumes qui étaient très bien adaptés à ces sols.
The farm had fields of wheat, rice and some vegetables that were very well-suited for those soils.


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