How to say Field in Spanish?

What does Campo mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Field” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Campo”?

Field is translated in Spanish by...

El campo (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Nosotras descansamos en el campo.
We are resting in the field.
Ella trae una cosa al campo.
She is bringing a thing in the field.
Ella va a buscar flores en el campo.
She is going to pick flowers in the field.
Nosotras encontramos huevos de Pascua en el campo.
We found Easter eggs in the field.
Sí, tengo diez años de experiencia en el campo.
Yes, I have ten years of experience in the field.
El campo está lleno de uvas. ¡Aquellas son enormes!
The field is filled with grapes. Those ones (over there) are huge!

More Example Sentences.

Cruzaron ríos, cultivos de fresas, campos de flores, y lugares llenos de una majestuosa belleza.
They crossed rivers, strawberry crops, flower fields, and places full of majestic beauty.
La finca tenía campos de trigo, arroz y algunas verduras que eran muy adecuadas para esas tierras.
The farm had fields of wheat, rice and some vegetables that were very well-suited for those soils.


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