How to say Fireworks in Spanish?

What does Fuegos artificiales mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Fireworks” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Fuegos artificiales”?

Fireworks is translated in Spanish by...

Los fuegos artificiales (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Me gustan los fuegos artificiales. ¡Aquellos son bonitos!
I love fireworks. Those ones (over there) are beautiful!

More Example Sentences.

Mi hija tenía miedo de los fuegos artificiales.
My daughter was scared of the fireworks.
Mucha gente vino aquí para ver los fuegos artificiales.
Many people came here to watch the fireworks.
Estábamos mirando los hermosos fuegos artificiales.
We were looking up at the beautiful fireworks.


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