How to say First in Spanish?
What does Primer mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Primer (m) / Primera (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
La primera a la derecha...
The first on the right...
The first on the right...
Él dio sus primeros pasos hoy.
He took his first steps today.
He took his first steps today.
No, es la primera vez que tomo el avión.
No, it's the first time I take the plane.
No, it's the first time I take the plane.
¿Y luego me pondrán en primera clase?
And then they will put me in first class?
And then they will put me in first class?
Es la primera vez que ellas juegan golf.
This is the first time that they play golf.
This is the first time that they play golf.
Hoy es mi primer día en este nuevo trabajo.
Today is my first day at this new job.
Today is my first day at this new job.
De acuerdo. Tome la primera calle a la derecha.
Okay. Take the first street on the right.
Okay. Take the first street on the right.
¡Qué afortunada? Nunca vuelo en primera clase.
Lucky you? I never get to fly in first class.
Lucky you? I never get to fly in first class.