How to say Floor in French?

What does Plancher mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Floor” in French? What is the meaning of “Plancher”?

Floor is translated in French by...

Le plancher (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

C'est un plancher en bois massif?
That's a hard wood floor?
Je déteste laver le plancher.
I hate washing the floor.
Oui, nous avons utilisé du vrai bois pour le plancher du couloir.
Yes, we used real wood on the hallway floor.
Nous nous assoyions sur le plancher parce que nous n'avions pas de canapé.
We used to sit on the floor because we didn't have a couch.
Nous aurons mesuré la pièce quatre fois avant de commander le nouveau plancher.
We will have measured the room four times before ordering the new floor.


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