How to say Fortunately in French?
What does Heureusement mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Fortunately is translated in French by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Heureusement, ils ont presque fini leurs devoirs.
Fortunately, they are almost done their homework.
Fortunately, they are almost done their homework.
More Example Sentences.
Heureusement, ma mère me connaît.
Fortunately, my mother knows me.
Fortunately, my mother knows me.
Malheureusement, je pars seulement dix jours.
Unfortunately, I'm only leaving for ten days.
Unfortunately, I'm only leaving for ten days.
Mais heureusement, nous avons une cheminée au salon.
But fortunately, we have a fireplace in the living room.
But fortunately, we have a fireplace in the living room.
Heureusement, je trouve un moyen de passer par l'une des fenêtres.
Fortunately, I find a way to get through one of the windows.
Fortunately, I find a way to get through one of the windows.
Heureusement, quelques-uns l'ont vu passer, mais ils ne savent plus où il se trouve.
Fortunately, some saw him pass by, but they no longer know where he is.
Fortunately, some saw him pass by, but they no longer know where he is.