How to say France in French?
What does France mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

France is translated in French by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

I live in France.

Do you live in France?

We left on a trip to France.

I am reading a book about France.

Since when do you live in France?

No. That's why I like coming to France.

I have always wanted to visit France.

I have lived in France for five years.

I've lived in France for two years.

Soon, you are going to return to France.

I found a cheap flight to France.

We will pay online to buy a trip to France.

I've visited the Eiffel tower during my stay in France.

I would travel to France often if I spoke better French.

Knowing French, you can travel anywhere in France.

I am not sure that they celebrate Thanksgiving in France.
More Example Sentences.

After getting through customs, I embark on the plane leaving for France.

I have to be in France soon because I have a meeting, but my flight has been postponed.