How to say Friend in French?
What does Ami mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

Friend is translated in French by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Your best friend.

My friend is paying for me.

Paul and Linda are friends.

Were you ever my friend?

They have many friends.

They are best friends.

Denis.... Denis Labrecque, his friend.

We were sending our friends a gift.

You are bike riding with your friends.

They will always refuse to be my friends.

If you want to talk to your friend, call her.
More Example Sentences.

Welcome my friend!

Letter from a friend.

A friend introduced us.

I know you my friend.

Goodbye, my old friend.

Good evening, Manuel my friend!

Or spend some quality time with friends?

You'll make lots of friends, you'll see.

She was very dear to her circle of friends.

My friend Samuel is only a year older than me.

The scooter was my great friend for a long time.

His friend replied: Saturday morning at eight o'clock.

He formed a rock band with his childhood friends.

The most experienced of the two friends was called Milo.

She also loves to party and have fun with her friends.

He told his friend Gregory: I'm afraid of being defeated.

She didn't have much time to spend with her friends.

I have to make new friends, meet new neighbors.

He had one very good friend since childhood named Gregory.

Don Manuel came back and replied: What's up my friend?

But as he was leaving, his friend shouted to him: Manuel, Manuel!

His friend replied: Believe in your abilities and you will win.

She had very little time to go out and have fun with her friends.

What will my teacher and friends say if they see me like this?

Lily saw Arlo walking in the distance and pointed him out to her friend.

As they were best friends, they spent a lot of time together.

That day, Milo couldn't stop thinking about what his friend had told him.

Don Manuel ran into an old friend he hadn't seen in a very long time.

I have a lot of online friends, but when do I see them in real life?

There were two middle-aged friends who always went to the mines together.

Don Manuel, his owner, shouted: Run Billy, my faithful friend, run, run!

The friend answered: I want to propose something to you, since have some horses.

Then, Don Manuel asked his friend: And when will the next competition take place?

After having a pleasant conversation, Don Manuel said goodbye to his great friend.

He really wanted to succeed and trained at school with his friends every afternoon.