How to say Garage in Spanish?

What does Garaje mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Garage” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Garaje”?

Garage is translated in Spanish by...

El garaje (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

¡Qué sorprendente! ¿Tienen un garaje?
That's amazing! Do you have a garage?
Sí, el garaje está debajo de la terraza.
Yes, the garage is under the terrace.
¿Dónde está el auto? Está en el garaje.
Where is the car? It is in the garage.

More Example Sentences.

Voy al garaje.
I go into the garage.
Regreso inmediatamente al garaje.
I immediately go back to the garage.
Llamo al garaje para pedir una cita.
I call the garage to make an appointment.
Entro al garaje y nadie me mira.
I walk into the garage and nobody looks at me.
De repente, el dueño del garaje se enoja mucho.
The garage owner suddenly becomes very angry.
La semana siguiente, llevo mi auto al garaje.
The following week, I take my car to the garage.
Entro al garaje y le digo: ¡No cambió mis neumáticos!
I walk into the garage and say: You didn't change my tires!


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