How to say Garden hose in German?

What does Gartenschlauch mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Garden hose” in German? What is the meaning of “Gartenschlauch”?

Garden hose is translated in German by...

Der Gartenschlauch (m)
Garden hose

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Der Gartenschlauch ist biegsam.
The garden hose is flexible.

More Example Sentences.

Ich gehe den Gartenschlauch holen und versuche, den Waschbären zu bespritzen.
I go get the garden hose and try spraying the raccoon.
Kann ich Ihren Gartenschlauch benutzen?
Can I use your garden hose?
Mein Gartenschlauch ist nicht lang genug.
My garden hose is not long enough.
Mein Bruder pflegte Gartenschlauch zu trinken.
My brother used to garden hose to drink.
Mein Bruder trinkt aus dem Gartenschlauch.
My brother is drinking from the garden hose.


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