How to say Gas station in French?
What does Station service mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Gas station is translated in French by...
La station-service (f)
Gas station
Gas station
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
À gauche à la station-service...
Left at the gas station...
Left at the gas station...
Puis, tournez à gauche à la station-service.
Then, turn left at the gas station.
Then, turn left at the gas station.
Je m'en vais à la station-service tout de suite!
I am going to the gas station right away!
I am going to the gas station right away!
Il y a une station-service. / Il y a de l'essence.
There is a gas station. / There is (some) gasoline.
There is a gas station. / There is (some) gasoline.