How to say Girl in French?
What does Fille mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

Girl is translated in French by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Yes, I have a boy and a girl.

The girls were always winning.

I have three kids. Two boys and a girl.

The little girl is drinking a glass of milk.

The girls are learning, they are learning.

You should go on a girl's night with Emma.

I think it's time to go to bed girls!

The boys and girls are learning, they are learning.

I met a very attractive girl and I wanted to talk to her.
More Example Sentences.

Two boys and a girl.

This girl is so awesome!

The girl with no superpowers.

There is a very pretty girl in my math class.

Julia is a very intelligent and talented girl.

You will meet many boys and girls like you.

Tanya was a girl born in a family of superheros.

Johana was a city girl overwhelmed with responsibilities.

The clever girl named Lena spent the night making a strange object.

The city girl quickly began having feelings for the noble boy.