How to say Girlfriend in Spanish?
What does Novia mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Girlfriend is translated in Spanish by...
La novia (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
¿Tienes novia?
Do you have a girlfriend?
Do you have a girlfriend?
More Example Sentences.
Hoy voy al parque acuático con mi novia.
Today, I'm going to the water park with my girlfriend.
Today, I'm going to the water park with my girlfriend.
Hablo con mi novia y decidimos llevar nuestro bolso.
I talk to my girlfriend and we decide to take our bag with us.
I talk to my girlfriend and we decide to take our bag with us.
Finalmente, Arlo decidió pedirle a Lily que fuera su novia.
Arlo eventually decided to ask Lily to be his girlfriend.
Arlo eventually decided to ask Lily to be his girlfriend.
Mi novia y yo buscamos por más de veinte minutos, sin éxito.
My girlfriend and I searched for over twenty minutes, without success.
My girlfriend and I searched for over twenty minutes, without success.
Mi novia y yo nos sentimos un poco avergonzados por la situación, pero al mismo tiempo, nos parece muy divertido.
My girlfriend and I are a bit embarrassed by the situation, but at the same time, we find it very funny.
My girlfriend and I are a bit embarrassed by the situation, but at the same time, we find it very funny.
Mi novia es francesa.
My girlfriend is French.
My girlfriend is French.