How to say Good in German?
What does Gut mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ich liebe es, gute Romane zu lesen.
I love to read good novels.
I love to read good novels.
Gute Nacht! Angenehmen Aufenthalt.
Have a good night! Enjoy your stay.
Have a good night! Enjoy your stay.
Ja, besonders in guter Gesellschaft!
Yes, especially in good company!
Yes, especially in good company!
Ich werde den ganzen Tag gut riechen.
I will smell good all day.
I will smell good all day.
Plötzlich habe ich eine gute Idee gehabt.
Suddenly, I had a good idea.
Suddenly, I had a good idea.
Wir sind in guter Stimmung aufgewacht.
We woke up in a good mood.
We woke up in a good mood.
Ja, ich sehe mir gerne gute Filme an.
Yes, I love to go watch good movies.
Yes, I love to go watch good movies.
Ah, das ist gut! Sie sprechen Englisch...
Ah, that's good! So you speak English...
Ah, that's good! So you speak English...
Das ist gut! Und wann beginnt sie?
That's good! And at what time does it start?
That's good! And at what time does it start?
Meine Güte! Sie müssen sich nicht gut fühlen...
Oh my! You must not feel good...
Oh my! You must not feel good...
Das ist gut. Ein Arm heilt, aber ein Kopf...
That's good. An arm heals, but a head...
That's good. An arm heals, but a head...
Dann morgen? Ich kenne ein gutes Restaurant.
Tomorrow then? I know a good restaurant.
Tomorrow then? I know a good restaurant.
Es ist erschwinglich und von guter Qualität.
It's affordable and of good quality.
It's affordable and of good quality.
Gut! Hast du schon mit ihr auf Deutsch gesprochen?
Good! Did you talk to her in German yet?
Good! Did you talk to her in German yet?
Aussehen: Du siehst heute sehr gut aus!
To look (appearance): You look very good today!
To look (appearance): You look very good today!
Ich ging ins Restaurant, um gut zu essen.
I used to go to the restaurant to eat a good meal.
I used to go to the restaurant to eat a good meal.
Nein, das ist in Ordnung. Ich habe ein gutes Gedächtnis.
No, that's okay. I have a good memory.
No, that's okay. I have a good memory.
Jener kleine Junge ist ein guter Fußballspieler.
That small boy is a good soccer player.
That small boy is a good soccer player.
Sehr gut. Möchten Sie einen Kaffee? Oder einen Tee?
Very good. Would you like a coffee? Or a tea?
Very good. Would you like a coffee? Or a tea?
Guten Abend! Willkommen im Restaurant Zum Ochsen.
Good evening! Welcome to the Zum Ochsen restaurant.
Good evening! Welcome to the Zum Ochsen restaurant.
Sehr gut. Möchten Sie noch etwas anderes bestellen?
Very good. Do you want to order anything else?
Very good. Do you want to order anything else?
Ja. Es war sehr gut. Der Nachtisch war vorzüglich.
Yes. It was very good. The dessert was excellent.
Yes. It was very good. The dessert was excellent.
Mit diesem Parfüm würden Sie wirklich gut riechen.
You would smell really good with this perfume.
You would smell really good with this perfume.
Wenn du gute Stiefel hättest, würdest du nicht fallen.
If you had good boots, you would not fall.
If you had good boots, you would not fall.
Ihr applaudiert am Ende einer sehr guten Show.
You are applauding at the end of a very good show.
You are applauding at the end of a very good show.