How to say Grandmother in Italian?
What does Nonna mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Grandmother is translated in Italian by...
La nonna (f)
Example Sentences in Context.
Il cortile di mia nonna è enorme!
My grandmother's yard is gigantic!
My grandmother's yard is gigantic!
Amo andare a casa di mia nonna.
I love going to my grandmother's house.
I love going to my grandmother's house.
La casa di mia nonna è un posto meraviglioso.
My grandmother's house is a wonderful place.
My grandmother's house is a wonderful place.
Lo trovo molto divertente, ma a mia nonna non piace.
I think it's very funny, but my grandmother doesn't like that.
I think it's very funny, but my grandmother doesn't like that.
Mia nonna prepara anche deliziosi dolci ogni pomeriggio.
My grandmother also bakes delicious desserts every afternoon.
My grandmother also bakes delicious desserts every afternoon.
Ma a casa di mia nonna, c'è sempre molto da vedere o da fare.
But at my grandmother's, there are always many things to see or do.
But at my grandmother's, there are always many things to see or do.
Mia nonna mi fa giocare con i suoi vecchi giocattoli e oggetti d'antiquariato.
My grandmother lets me play with her old toys and antiques.
My grandmother lets me play with her old toys and antiques.