How to say Green in French?

What does Vert mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Green” in French? What is the meaning of “Vert”?

Green is translated in French by...

Vert (m) / Verte (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Le gazon est vert.
The grass is green.
Des yeux verts (m)
Green eyes
Elle choisit le crayon vert.
She is choosing the green pencil.
Tu dessines avec un crayon vert.
You are drawing with a green pencil.
Il y a une pomme rouge parmi les vertes.
There is a red apple among the green ones.
La balle bleue est aussi lourde que la balle verte.
The blue ball is as heavy as the green ball.


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