How to say Happy in Spanish?
What does Feliz mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

Happy is translated in Spanish by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Both of them are happy.

You are happy, right?

We are a happy family.

They will smile all day, because they are happy.

You don't need to be rich to be happy.

I am happy to have swum with the dolphins.
More Example Sentences.

He's so happy.

She's not happy.

She's happy to see me again.

My wife is very happy too.

Her mother was very happy for her daughter.

I am so happy to finally get out of that prison!

He is happy that no one recognizes him in the streets.

But most of all, I hope with all my heart that you will happy.

Uncle Paul was very happy to see Max motivated about his work.

He was very happy, the result was a lot better than he had hoped.

I fall face to face with a raccoon who is not happy to see me at all.

Rabadak looked surprised, but he was very happy for getting it.

I have no idea what he's talking about, but I'm happy to be healthy!

Rabadak, happy to have a new partner, decided one afternoon to put his plan into action.

They thanked the god Panako for his miracle. All the villagers of the Oaxaca tribe were happy and healthy.