How to say Hard in French?

What does Dur mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Hard” in French? What is the meaning of “Dur”?

Hard is translated in French by...

Dur (m) / Dure (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Vous travaillez dur.
You are working hard.
Les noisettes sont dures.
The hazelnuts are hard.
Nous avons travaillé très dur sur ce projet.
We worked very hard on this project.

More Example Sentences.

Si on continue à travailler dur, on aura notre chance.
If we keep working hard, we'll get a lucky break.
C'est dur parfois, mais je dois être patiente avec lui.
It's hard sometimes, but I have to be patient with him.
Le coup dur avait causé une perte partielle de la vue de l'oeil droit d'Alex.
The hard blow had caused a partial loss of sight in Alex's right eye.


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