How to say Hard in German?
What does Hart mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Hard is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ihr arbeitet hart.
You are working hard.
You are working hard.
Die Haselnüsse sind hart.
The hazelnuts are hard.
The hazelnuts are hard.
Wir haben sehr hart an diesem Projekt gearbeitet.
We worked very hard on this project.
We worked very hard on this project.
More Example Sentences.
Wenn wir weiter hart arbeiten, werden wir einen Glücksfall haben.
If we keep working hard, we'll get a lucky break.
If we keep working hard, we'll get a lucky break.
Der harte Treffer verursachte eine Teil-Erblindung in Alex‘ rechtem Auge.
The hard blow had caused a partial loss of sight in Alex's right eye.
The hard blow had caused a partial loss of sight in Alex's right eye.
Dieses Mal war es Hugo, der Milo ermutigte: Wir müssen weiter hart arbeiten, Milo.
This time, it was Hugo who encouraged Milo: We must keep working hard, Milo.
This time, it was Hugo who encouraged Milo: We must keep working hard, Milo.
Aber er trainierte wochenlang sehr hart und begann langsam, selbstsicherer zu werden.
But he trained really hard for weeks and slowly started to become more confident.
But he trained really hard for weeks and slowly started to become more confident.
Die Tage vergingen und Max konnte sich nicht an die harte Arbeit, die Tiere zu versorgen, gewöhnen.
The days passed and Max was unable to get used to the hard work of taking care of the animals.
The days passed and Max was unable to get used to the hard work of taking care of the animals.
Der Kampf begann und Alex bekam sofort einen harten Treffer an seinem rechten Auge ein und ging zu Boden.
The fight started and Alex immediately received a hard blow to his right eye and fell to the ground.
The fight started and Alex immediately received a hard blow to his right eye and fell to the ground.