How to say Heavy in German?
What does Schwer mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Heavy is translated in German by...
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Die Hanteln sind schwer.
The dumbbells are heavy.
The dumbbells are heavy.
Ihr Koffer ist sehr schwer!
Your suitcase is very heavy!
Your suitcase is very heavy!
Jener Rucksack sieht schwer aus.
That backpack looks heavy.
That backpack looks heavy.
Ihre Kartons sind nicht schwer.
Their boxes are not heavy.
Their boxes are not heavy.
Er ist fett und schwer. Ich konnte nicht atmen.
He's fat and heavy. I couldn't breathe.
He's fat and heavy. I couldn't breathe.
Es ist etwas schweres in diesem Karton.
There is something heavy in this box.
There is something heavy in this box.
Der blaue Ball ist so schwer wie der grüne Ball.
The blue ball is as heavy as the green ball.
The blue ball is as heavy as the green ball.
Wenn der Korb nicht so schwer wäre, würde ich ihn mit meinen Händen bringen.
If the basket weren't so heavy, I would bring it with my hands.
If the basket weren't so heavy, I would bring it with my hands.