How to say Heavy in Italian?
What does Pesante mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Heavy is translated in Italian by...
Pesante (m) / Pesante (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
I manubri sono pesanti.
The dumbbells are heavy.
The dumbbells are heavy.
Le loro scatole non sono pesanti.
Their boxes are not heavy.
Their boxes are not heavy.
Quello zaino sembra pesante.
That backpack looks heavy.
That backpack looks heavy.
È grasso e pesante. Non riuscivo a respirare.
He's fat and heavy. I couldn't breathe.
He's fat and heavy. I couldn't breathe.
C'è qualcosa di pesante in questa scatola.
There is something heavy in this box.
There is something heavy in this box.
La palla blu è pesante quanto la palla verde.
The blue ball is as heavy as the green ball.
The blue ball is as heavy as the green ball.
Se il cestino non fosse così pesante, io lo porterei con le mie mani.
If the basket weren't so heavy, I would bring it with my hands.
If the basket weren't so heavy, I would bring it with my hands.