How to say Hill in Spanish?
What does Colina mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Hill is translated in Spanish by...
La colina (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Él baja de la colina en bicicleta.
He is going down the hill by bike.
He is going down the hill by bike.
Ustedes corren rápido para bajar de la colina.
You were running fast to go down the hill.
You were running fast to go down the hill.
Él ayudó a sus hermanitas a subir la colina.
He helped his little sisters to go up the hill.
He helped his little sisters to go up the hill.
Tú gritabas cuando nos deslizábamos en la colina.
You were yelling when we were sliding down the hill.
You were yelling when we were sliding down the hill.