How to say Homework in French?

What does Devoirs mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Homework” in French? What is the meaning of “Devoirs”?

Homework is translated in French by...

Les devoirs (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Vous avez fait vos devoirs.
You (all) did your homework.
Vous devez faire vos devoirs.
You have to do your homework.
Elles doivent finir leurs devoirs.
They have to finish their homework.
Elle t'aidera avec tes devoirs.
She will help you with your homework.
Est-ce que vous faites toujours vos devoirs ensemble?
Do you always do your homework together?
Je m'amuserais, si j'avais terminé mes devoirs.
I would have fun, if I were done my homework.
Heureusement, ils ont presque fini leurs devoirs.
Fortunately, they are almost done their homework.
Si vous faites vos devoirs, vous comprendrez rapidement.
If you do your homework, you will understand quickly.
Elle ira regarder la télévision après avoir fait ses devoirs.
She will go watch television after having done her homework.
Tu leur offrais ton aide, mais maintenant, ils sont assez vieux pour faire leurs devoirs seuls.
You used to offer them your help, but now, they are old enough to do their homework alone.

More Example Sentences.

Je n'ai pas envie de faire mes devoirs.
I don't feel like doing my homework.
Plus de leçons et de devoirs pour deux mois.
No more lessons and homework for two months.
Après le souper, je monte faire mes devoirs.
After supper, I go upstairs to do my homework.
Ils pouvaient seulement aller à l'école et faire leurs devoirs, puisque tout le reste était interdit.
They could only go to school and do their homework, since everything else was forbidden.


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