How to say Homework in German?
What does Hausaufgabe mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Homework is translated in German by...
Die Hausaufgabe (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ihr machtet eure Hausaufgaben.
You (all) did your homework.
You (all) did your homework.
Ihr müsst eure Hausaufgaben machen.
You must do your homework.
You must do your homework.
Sie müssen ihre Hausaufgaben beenden.
They have to finish their homework.
They have to finish their homework.
Ihr macht jetzt eure Hausaufgaben.
You are doing your homework (right now).
You are doing your homework (right now).
Ich werde dir mit deinen Hausaufgaben helfen.
I will help you with your homework.
I will help you with your homework.
Macht ihr immer eure Hausaufgaben zusammen?
Do you always do your homework together?
Do you always do your homework together?
Sie wird dir bei deinen Hausaufgaben helfen.
She will help you with your homework.
She will help you with your homework.
Nach ihren Hausaufgaben wird sie gehen, um fernzusehen.
She will go watch television after her homework.
She will go watch television after her homework.
Glücklicherweise haben sie ihre Hausaufgaben gemacht.
Fortunately, they have done their homework.
Fortunately, they have done their homework.
Er ging zum Park anstatt seine Hausaufgaben zu machen.
He went to the park instead of doing his homework.
He went to the park instead of doing his homework.
Wenn ich meine Hausaufgaben gemacht hätte, würde ich Spaß haben.
If I had done my homework, I would have fun.
If I had done my homework, I would have fun.
Wenn ich nicht so müde wäre, würde ich meine Hausaufgaben machen.
If I weren't so tired, I would do my homework.
If I weren't so tired, I would do my homework.
Sie hat einigen jungen Schülern bei ihren Hausaufgaben geholfen.
She has helped some young students with their homework.
She has helped some young students with their homework.
Wenn im Drucker Tinte wäre, würdet ihr eure Hausaufgaben drucken.
If there were ink in the printer, you would print your homework.
If there were ink in the printer, you would print your homework.