How to say Homework in Italian?
What does Compito mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

Homework is translated in Italian by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

You have to do your homework.

They have to finish their homework.

You (all) did your homework.

She will help you with your homework.

You are doing your homework (right now).

Do you always do your homework together?

You helped him with his homework then?

If I weren't so tired, I would do my homework.

The teacher helped you with your homework.

If I were done with my homework, I would have fun.

Fortunately, they are almost done their homework.

She will go watch television after having done her homework.

They did their homework and then they played with their toys.

If there were ink in the printer, you would print your homework.

You used to offer them your help, but now they are old enough to do their homework alone.
More Example Sentences.

No more lessons and homework for two months. Now, that's awesome! I love summer!

They could only go to school and do their homework, since everything else was forbidden.

That same week, the two students kept in touch to help each other with their homework.

I take this opportunity to play video games on my computer. I don't feel like doing my homework.