How to say Horse in Italian?
What does Cavallo mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Horse is translated in Italian by...
Il cavallo (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Quei cavalli corrono velocemente.
Those horses run very fast.
Those horses run very fast.
I cavalli correvano insieme.
The horses were running together.
The horses were running together.
Ci sono alcuni cavalli nel campo.
There are a few horses in the field.
There are a few horses in the field.
Il mio cavallo ama saltare.
My horse loves to jump.
My horse loves to jump.
Io sto toccando il cavallo.
I am touching the horse.
I am touching the horse.
Lui va a fare una passeggiata a cavallo.
He is going for a horse ride.
He is going for a horse ride.
Neanche il cavallo è abbastanza forte.
The horse is not strong enough either.
The horse is not strong enough either.
Il cavallo marrone è meno vecchio di quello bianco.
The brown horse is not as old as the white one.
The brown horse is not as old as the white one.
More Example Sentences.
I cavalli sono usciti e hanno iniziato a correre in pista.
The horses came out and started running down the track.
The horses came out and started running down the track.
Paolo ha deciso di dare a Max il suo cavallo migliore.
Paolo decided to give Max his best horse.
Paolo decided to give Max his best horse.
È stato per lungo tempo il miglior allevatore di cavalli della regione.
For a long time, he was the best horse breeder in the area.
For a long time, he was the best horse breeder in the area.
È salito sul cavallo e si è diretto nella giungla.
He got on the horse and rode out into the jungle.
He got on the horse and rode out into the jungle.
Bene, anche io ho dei cavalli nella mia stalla, ha risposto don Manuel.
Great, I also have some horses at my stable Don Manuel replied.
Great, I also have some horses at my stable Don Manuel replied.
Ha chiesto che gli venisse portato un cavallo selvaggio.
He ordered a wild horse to be brought to him.
He ordered a wild horse to be brought to him.
Il cavallo si sentiva bene e sembrava forte e felice.
The horse was feeling well and looked strong and cheerful.
The horse was feeling well and looked strong and cheerful.
Il cavallo non poteva correre veloce come l'altro animale.
The horse could never run as fast as the other animal.
The horse could never run as fast as the other animal.
Vieni a trovarmi quando vuoi e possiamo scegliere un cavallo.
Come see me whenever you want and we can choose a horse.
Come see me whenever you want and we can choose a horse.
È riuscito a domarlo e il cavallo era pronto per essere cavalcato.
He managed to tame it and the horse was ready to ride.
He managed to tame it and the horse was ready to ride.
Aveva diversi animali, come ad esempio mucche, cavalli, maiali, polli e tacchini.
She had a variety of animals such as cows, horses, pigs, chickens and turkeys.
She had a variety of animals such as cows, horses, pigs, chickens and turkeys.
Ha messo il cerbiatto sul dorso del cavallo ed è tornato al suo villaggio.
He mounted the fawn on the back of his horse and returned to his village.
He mounted the fawn on the back of his horse and returned to his village.
Dopo aver guardato i cavalli per un po', hanno discusso la scelta migliore per la gara.
After taking a look at the horses for a while, they discussed about the best choice for the race.
After taking a look at the horses for a while, they discussed about the best choice for the race.
È stata la prima delle tante gesta che Rabadak ha compiuto sul suo fedele cavallo.
That was the first of many feats Rabadak achieved on his faithful horse.
That was the first of many feats Rabadak achieved on his faithful horse.
Gli amici infine hanno scelto il cavallo bianco perché aveva alcuni degli attributi necessari per la gara.
The friends ended up choosing the white horse, because it had some of the attributes required for the competition.
The friends ended up choosing the white horse, because it had some of the attributes required for the competition.
Tuttavia, quando don Manuel è andato a prendere il cavallo il giorno della gara, ha notato che sembrava malato.
However, when Don Manuel went in to look for the horse on the day of the race, he noticed that he seemed sick.
However, when Don Manuel went in to look for the horse on the day of the race, he noticed that he seemed sick.