How to say Hospital in Italian?
What does Ospedale mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.
Hospital is translated in Italian by...
L'ospedale (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
All'Ospedale Generale.
At the General Hospital.
At the General Hospital.
More Example Sentences.
Ha bisogno di andare in ospedale.
He needs to go to the hospital.
He needs to go to the hospital.
Le guardo attentamente dal mio letto d'ospedale.
I watch them carefully from my hospital bed.
I watch them carefully from my hospital bed.
Ma cerco di donare il sangue all'ospedale una volta a settimana.
But I do try to give blood at the hospital once a week.
But I do try to give blood at the hospital once a week.
Dopo due ore di attesa in ospedale, Samuel esce con un'imbragatura.
After a two-hour wait at the hospital, Samuel comes out in a sling.
After a two-hour wait at the hospital, Samuel comes out in a sling.
Dopo aver effettuato l'esame, il team dell'ospedale mi dice che ci possono volere fino a tre settimane per i risultati.
After taking the exam, the hospital team tells me that it can take up to three weeks for the results.
After taking the exam, the hospital team tells me that it can take up to three weeks for the results.