How to say Hot pepper in French?

What does Piment fort mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Hot pepper” in French? What is the meaning of “Piment fort”?

Hot pepper is translated in French by...

Le piment fort (m)
Hot pepper

Example Sentences in Context.

J'aime les piments forts.
I like hot peppers.
Elle mange un piment fort.
She is eating a hot pepper.
Voulez-vous essayer un piment fort?
Do you want to try a hot pepper?
J'ai ajouté un piment fort au riz.
I added a hot pepper to the rice.
Si vous aimez la nourriture épicée, vous devez aimer les piments forts.
If you like spicy food, you must like hot peppers.


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