How to say Hot pepper in Italian?

What does Peperoncino mean in English? Italian translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Hot pepper” in Italian? What is the meaning of “Peperoncino”?

Hot pepper is translated in Italian by...

Il peperoncino (m)
Hot pepper

Example Sentences in Context.

Mi piacciono i peperoncini piccanti.
I like hot peppers.
Sta mangiando un peperoncino.
She is eating a hot pepper.
Vuoi provare un peperoncino?
Do you want to try a hot pepper?
Ho aggiunto un peperoncino al riso.
I added a hot pepper to the rice.
Se ti piacciono i cibi piccanti, devi amare i peperoncini piccanti.
If you like spicy food, you must like hot peppers.


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