How to say Hotel in German?
What does Hotel mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Hotel is translated in German by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

I am at the Central hotel.

Ouino hotel. Can I help you?

We are driving to a hotel.

I would like to rent a hotel room.

What is the address of the hotel?

She will close her hotel room door.

We stayed in a very nice hotel.

I am waiting for a taxi to go to the hotel.

They were renting a hotel room during their vacation.
More Example Sentences.

We can book flights and hotels.

I wonder if there is a hotel in the area.

I get in my car and drive to this hotel.

I didn't know, but her father owns the hotel.

I then check if there are hotel rooms available on the other side of the island.

I then decide to return to the same hotel as at the beginning of my stay.

She recommends good restaurants, activities, hotels and even some small hidden places.

The next morning, I have lunch, then I swim in the pool of the hotel until I leave for the airport.