How to say Hotel in Spanish?
What does Hotel mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Hotel is translated in Spanish by...
El hotel (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Estoy en el hotel Central.
I am at the Central hotel.
I am at the Central hotel.
Hotel Ouino. ¿En qué podemos ayudarle?
Ouino hotel. How can I help you?
Ouino hotel. How can I help you?
¿Cuál es la dirección del hotel?
What is the address of the hotel?
What is the address of the hotel?
De acuerdo. ¿El hotel tiene piscina?
Okay. Does the hotel have a swimming pool?
Okay. Does the hotel have a swimming pool?
Nosotros nos quedamos en un hotel muy bonito.
We stayed in a very nice hotel.
We stayed in a very nice hotel.
Me gustaría alquilar una habitación de hotel.
I would like to rent a hotel room.
I would like to rent a hotel room.
Yo espero un taxi para ir al hotel.
I am waiting for a taxi to go to the hotel.
I am waiting for a taxi to go to the hotel.
Ella cerrará la puerta de su habitación en el hotel.
She will close the door of her hotel roon.
She will close the door of her hotel roon.
Ellos alquilaban una habitación de hotel durante sus vacaciones.
They were renting a hotel room during their vacation.
They were renting a hotel room during their vacation.
More Example Sentences.
Podemos reservar vuelos y hoteles.
We can book flights and hotels.
We can book flights and hotels.
Subo a mi auto y me dirijo al hotel.
I get in my car and drive to this hotel.
I get in my car and drive to this hotel.
Me pregunto si hay un hotel en la zona.
I wonder if there is a hotel in the area.
I wonder if there is a hotel in the area.
No lo sabía, pero su padre es dueño del hotel.
I didn't know, but her father owns the hotel.
I didn't know, but her father owns the hotel.
Decido volver al mismo hotel en el que comencé mi estadía.
I then decide to return to the same hotel as at the beginning of my stay.
I then decide to return to the same hotel as at the beginning of my stay.
La segunda noche, me cruzo con la joven que había conocido en el vestíbulo del hotel.
The second evening, I cross path with the young woman I had met in the hotel lobby.
The second evening, I cross path with the young woman I had met in the hotel lobby.
No hay más vacantes en los hoteles, pero encuentro una habitación en una pequeña posada privada.
There is no more vacancy in the hotels, but I find a room in a small private inn.
There is no more vacancy in the hotels, but I find a room in a small private inn.
Me recomienda buenos restaurantes, actividades, hoteles, e incluso algunos lugares escondidos.
She recommends good restaurants, activities, hotels and even some small hidden places.
She recommends good restaurants, activities, hotels and even some small hidden places.
Reviso con el hotel para ver si hay alguna manera de cancelar mi reserva para la próxima semana.
I check with the hotel to see if there's any way I can cancel my reservation for the next week.
I check with the hotel to see if there's any way I can cancel my reservation for the next week.
A la mañana siguiente, almuerzo, luego nado en la piscina del hotel hasta que llega la hora de salir al aeropuerto.
The next morning, I have lunch, then I swim in the pool of the hotel until I leave for the airport.
The next morning, I have lunch, then I swim in the pool of the hotel until I leave for the airport.