How to say How in German?
What does Wie mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Und wie alt sind sie?
And how old are they?
And how old are they?
Wie lange wird es dauern?
How long will it take?
How long will it take?
Hi, Lea. Wie läuft's?
Hi, Lea. How is it going?
Hi, Lea. How is it going?
Hallo Andrea! Wie geht's?
Hi Andrea! How's it going?
Hi Andrea! How's it going?
Und wieviel kostet es?
And how much does it cost?
And how much does it cost?
Wie wäre es mit Comic-Büchern?
How about comic books?
How about comic books?
Ach ja! Wie die Zeit vergeht!
Oh, yeah! How time flies!
Oh, yeah! How time flies!
Wie viele Kinder haben Sie?
How many children do you have?
How many children do you have?
Wie viel kostet _____?
How much does ____ cost?
How much does ____ cost?
Wie lange wollen Sie bleiben?
How long will you be staying for?
How long will you be staying for?
Okay. Für wie viele Personen?
Okay. For how many passengers?
Okay. For how many passengers?
Wie lange werden wir brauchen?
How long is it going to take?
How long is it going to take?
Einen Tisch für wie viele Personen?
A table for how many people?
A table for how many people?
Oh, wie läuft es bei euch beiden?
Oh, how are you guys doing?
Oh, how are you guys doing?
Wie war das Essen im Flugzeug?
How was the food in the plane?
How was the food in the plane?
Wie war deine Reise nach Bayern?
How was your trip to Bavaria?
How was your trip to Bavaria?
Wie viele Bonbons hast du?
How many candies do you have?
How many candies do you have?
Wie viele soll ich pro Tag nehmen?
How many should I take a day?
How many should I take a day?
Wie viele Haustiere hast du?
How many pets do you have?
How many pets do you have?
Wie viel möchten Sie abheben?
How much would you like to withdraw?
How much would you like to withdraw?
Also, wie kann ich mit ihnen lernen?
So how can I learn with them?
So how can I learn with them?
Wie viele Freunde hat er?
How many friends does he have?
How many friends does he have?
Ich wusste, wie man Gitarre spielt.
I knew how to play guitar.
I knew how to play guitar.
Wie viele Kinder haben Sie?
How many children do you have?
How many children do you have?
Weißt du, wie viel Grad es sind?
Do you know how many degrees it is?
Do you know how many degrees it is?
Wie geht es Ihnen? Kann ich Ihnen helfen?
How are you? Can I help you?
How are you? Can I help you?
Wie geht es Ihnen? Kann ich Ihnen helfen?
How are you? May I help you?
How are you? May I help you?
Guten Tag. Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen?
Good afternoon. How can I help you?
Good afternoon. How can I help you?
Ja, war es! Wie war dein Wochenende?
Yes, it was! How about your weekend?
Yes, it was! How about your weekend?
Wie viel Wasser hast du getrunken?
How much water did you drink?
How much water did you drink?
Wie lange werde ich ihn tragen müssen?
How long will I have to wear it for?
How long will I have to wear it for?
Aber wie kannst du auf diese Weise lernen?
But, how can you learn that way?
But, how can you learn that way?
Wie lange wird es dauern per Express?
How long does it take by express mail?
How long does it take by express mail?
Danke! Wie lange wird der Flug dauern?
Thanks! How long does the flight take?
Thanks! How long does the flight take?
Hi Lena! Wie war dein Tag in der Schule?
Hi Lena! How was your day at school?
Hi Lena! How was your day at school?
Ich möchte wissen, wie dein Tag gelaufen ist.
I want to know how your day went.
I want to know how your day went.
Hey Stefan! Wie war dein Tag in der Arbeit?
Hey Stefan! How was your day at work?
Hey Stefan! How was your day at work?
Guten Tag mein Herr. Wie geht es Ihnen?
Good day sir. How are you doing?
Good day sir. How are you doing?
Wie haben Sie von unserem Unternehmen gehört?
How did you learn about our company?
How did you learn about our company?
Gut. Wieviele Gepäckstücke checken Sie ein?
Good. How many bags are you checking in?
Good. How many bags are you checking in?
Wie viel Sand kann der Lieferwagen fassen?
How much sand can the truck hold?
How much sand can the truck hold?
Wie geht es Ihnen? Gefällt Ihnen Ihr Aufenthalt?
How are you? Are you enjoying your stay?
How are you? Are you enjoying your stay?
Wie viele Haltestellen gibt es nach Stuttgart?
How many stops are there to Stuttgart?
How many stops are there to Stuttgart?
Wie gefällt es Ihnen und Ihren Kindern bisher?
How do you and your kids like it so far?
How do you and your kids like it so far?
Mir geht's gut, danke. Wie war dein Wochenende?
I'm fine, thanks. How was your weekend?
I'm fine, thanks. How was your weekend?
Das tut mir so leid. Also, wie war dein Aufenthalt?
I am so sorry. So, how was your stay?
I am so sorry. So, how was your stay?
Wie oft in der Woche geht er schwimmen?
How many times does he go swimming per week?
How many times does he go swimming per week?
Wie viel Milch mögen Sie in Ihrem Kaffee?
How much milk do you like in your coffee?
How much milk do you like in your coffee?
Wie viele Eier brauchen wir für das Rezept?
How many eggs do we need for the recipe?
How many eggs do we need for the recipe?
Wie viele Haltestellen? Es tut mir leid, ich weiß es nicht...
How many stops? I'm sorry, I don't know...
How many stops? I'm sorry, I don't know...
Ich habe diesen Sport nie verstanden. Wie funktioniert er?
I never understood this sport. How does it work?
I never understood this sport. How does it work?
Ich vergesse immer, wie diese Mathematikaufgabe zu lösen ist.
I always forget how to solve this math problem.
I always forget how to solve this math problem.