How to say How in German?
What does Wie mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

And how old are they?

How long will it take?

Hi, Lea. How is it going?

Hi Andrea! How's it going?

And how much does it cost?

How about comic books?

Oh, yeah! How time flies!

How many children do you have?

How much does ____ cost?

How long will you be staying for?

Okay. For how many passengers?

How long is it going to take?

A table for how many people?

Oh, how are you guys doing?

How was the food in the plane?

How was your trip to Bavaria?

How many candies do you have?

How many should I take a day?

How many pets do you have?

How much would you like to withdraw?

So how can I learn with them?

How many friends does he have?

I knew how to play guitar.

How many children do you have?

Do you know how many degrees it is?

How are you? Can I help you?

How are you? May I help you?

Good afternoon. How can I help you?

Yes, it was! How about your weekend?

How much water did you drink?

How long will I have to wear it for?

But, how can you learn that way?

How long does it take by express mail?

Thanks! How long does the flight take?

Hi Lena! How was your day at school?

I want to know how your day went.

Hey Stefan! How was your day at work?

Good day sir. How are you doing?

How did you learn about our company?

Good. How many bags are you checking in?

How much sand can the truck hold?

How are you? Are you enjoying your stay?

How many stops are there to Stuttgart?

How do you and your kids like it so far?

I'm fine, thanks. How was your weekend?

I am so sorry. So, how was your stay?

How many times does he go swimming per week?

How much milk do you like in your coffee?

How many eggs do we need for the recipe?

How many stops? I'm sorry, I don't know...

I never understood this sport. How does it work?

I always forget how to solve this math problem.