How to say Huge in German?
What does Riesig mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Huge is translated in German by...
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Dieser Baum ist riesig.
That tree is huge.
That tree is huge.
More Example Sentences.
Wir finden zwei Strandstühle vor dem riesigen Wellenbecken.
We find two beach chairs in front of the huge wave pool.
We find two beach chairs in front of the huge wave pool.
Ein Fischer namens Bory lebte an der Küste eines riesigen Meers.
A fisherman named Bory lived on the shores of a huge sea.
A fisherman named Bory lived on the shores of a huge sea.
Wir parken das Auto auf dem riesigen Parkplatz vor dem Haupteingang.
We park the car in the huge parking lot in front of the main entrance.
We park the car in the huge parking lot in front of the main entrance.
Das Freudengeschrei seiner Mutter stach aus der Mitte der riesigen Menge heraus.
His mother's cries of joy stood out in the midst of the huge crowd.
His mother's cries of joy stood out in the midst of the huge crowd.