How to say Huge in Spanish?
What does Enorme mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Huge is translated in Spanish by...
Enorme (m) / Enorme (f)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ese árbol es enorme.
That tree is huge.
That tree is huge.
El campo está lleno de uvas. ¡Aquellas son enormes!
The field is filled with grapes. Those ones (over there) are huge!
The field is filled with grapes. Those ones (over there) are huge!
More Example Sentences.
Vivían con sus padres a la orilla de un enorme río.
They lived with their parents on the edge of a huge river.
They lived with their parents on the edge of a huge river.
Un pescador llamado Bory vivía a orillas de un enorme mar.
A fisherman named Bory lived on the shores of a huge sea.
A fisherman named Bory lived on the shores of a huge sea.
Aparcamos el auto en el enorme estacionamiento frente a la entrada principal.
We park the car in the huge parking lot in front of the main entrance.
We park the car in the huge parking lot in front of the main entrance.