How to say Hunting in Spanish?
What does Caza mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.
Hunting is translated in Spanish by...
La caza (f)
Example Sentences in Context.
Un día, el viejo leñador decidió ir a cazar.
One day, the old lumberjack decided to go hunting.
One day, the old lumberjack decided to go hunting.
A Adán le encantaba ir a cazar ciervos con sus dos hijos.
Adam loved to go hunting for deer with his two sons.
Adam loved to go hunting for deer with his two sons.
Sobrevivió, pero tuvo que pagar un gran precio por cazar ese puma.
He survived, but had to pay the price for hunting that cougar.
He survived, but had to pay the price for hunting that cougar.
Un día soleado, Rabadak salió a cazar sin saber que sería la última vez.
On one sunny day, Rabadak went out hunting without knowing this would be the last time.
On one sunny day, Rabadak went out hunting without knowing this would be the last time.