How to say Husband in French?

What does Époux mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Husband” in French? What is the meaning of “Mari”?

Husband is translated in French by...

L'époux (m)

Example Sentences in Context.

C'est un très bon époux.
He is a very good husband.
Avez-vous rencontré mon époux?
Did you meet my husband?

Husband can also be translated in French by...


Example Sentences in Context.

Mon mari les a fabriquées lui-même.
My husband made them himself.
Mon mari est encore en vacances.
My husband is still on vacation.
J'aimerais dormir, mais mon mari ronfle.
I would like to sleep, but my husband is snoring.
Elle veut entendre la conversation de son mari.
She wants to hear her husband's conversation.
C'est incroyable que tu caches cela à ton mari.
It is incredible that you hide this from your husband.
J'aime mon mari.
I love my husband.
Elle a ouvert la porte et a vu son mari.
She opened the door and saw her husband.
Quand il est réveillé, mon mari est un homme vraiment gentil.
When he is awake, my husband is a really nice man.
Si je ne reviens pas ce soir, mon mari appellera la police.
If I don't come back tonight, my husband will call the police.


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