How to say Husband in German?

What does Mann mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Husband” in German? What is the meaning of “Mann”?

Husband is translated in German by...

Der Mann (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Mein Mann hat sie selbst gebaut.
My husband made them himself.
Mein Mann ist immer noch im Urlaub.
My husband is still on vacation.
Du verstecktest Dinge vor deinem Mann.
You were hiding things from your husband.
Sie möchte die Unterhaltung ihres Mannes hören.
She wants to hear her husband's conversation.
Ich würde gerne schlafen aber mein Mann schnarcht.
I would like to sleep, but my husband is snoring.

More Example Sentences.

Ich liebe meinen Mann.
I love my husband.
Sie öffnete die Tür und sah ihren Mann.
She opened the door and saw her husband.
Wenn ich heute Nacht nicht zurückkomme, wird mein Mann die Polizei rufen.
If I don't come back tonight, my husband will call the police.


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