Learn Italian: Ingredients

Italian translations with examples in context, native recordings and images.

Learn Italian Ingredients
Gli ingredienti (m)

Quali sono gli ingredienti?
What are the ingredients?
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La cannella (f)

Ho bisogno di cannella per questa ricetta.
I need cinnamon for this recipe.
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La farina (f)

Il pane è fatto con farina.
Bread is made from flour.
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Il miele (m)

Il miele sta in questo barattolo.
The honey is in this jar.
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La marmellata (f)

Adoro la marmellata.
I love jam.
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Il ketchup (m)

C'è del ketchup e della mostarda sul suo hot dog.
There is ketchup and mustard on his hot dog.
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La maionese (f)

Non le piace la maionese.
She doesn't like mayonnaise.
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La senape (f)

Voglio senape e ketchup sul mio hot dog.
I want mustard and ketchup on my hot dog.
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Il burro di arachidi (m)
Peanut butter

Il burro di arachidi è morbido.
The peanut butter is soft.
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Il pepe (m)

Gli piacciono i cetrioli con un po 'di sale e pepe.
He likes cucumbers with a bit of salt and pepper.
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Il sale (m)

Lui sta mangiando la zuppa senza sale.
He is eating the soup without (any) salt.
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Lo zucchero (m)

C'è dello zucchero nel caffè.
There's some sugar in the coffee.
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