Learn Spanish: Ingredients

Spanish translations with examples in context, native recordings and images.

Learn Spanish Ingredients
Los ingredientes (m)

¿Cuáles son los ingredientes?
What are the ingredients?
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La canela (f)

Necesito canela para esta receta.
I need cinnamon for this recipe.
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La harina (f)

El pan está hecho de harina.
Bread is made from flour.
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La miel (f)

La miel está en el tarro.
The honey is in the jar.
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La mermelada (f)

Ella está poniendo mermelada en sus tostadas.
She is putting jam on her toasts.
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La salsa de tomate (f)

Hay salsa de tomate y mostaza en su perro caliente.
There is ketchup and mustard in his hot dog.
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La mayonesa (f)

A ella no le gusta la mayonesa.
She doesn't like mayonnaise.
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La mostaza (f)

Hay salsa de tomate y mostaza en su perro caliente.
There is ketchup and mustard in his hot dog.
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La mantequilla de maní (f)
Peanut butter

La mantequilla de maní es suave.
The peanut butter is soft.
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La pimienta (f)

Le gustan los pepinos con un poco de sal y pimienta.
He likes cucumbers with a bit of salt and pepper.
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La sal (f)

Juan come la sopa sin sal.
Juan eats the soup without salt.
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El azúcar (m)

¿Quieres azúcar en tu café?
Do you want sugar in your coffee?
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