How to say Internet in German?
What does Internet mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Internet is translated in German by...
Das Internet
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ich habe im Internet gebucht.
I booked on the internet.
I booked on the internet.
Gibt es einen Internetanschluss?
Is there internet access?
Is there internet access?
Ich habe Ihre Anzeige im Internet gesehen.
I saw your ad on the internet.
I saw your ad on the internet.
Ja, es gibt Internetanschluss in dem Zimmer.
Yes, there is internet access in the room.
Yes, there is internet access in the room.
Du lasest deine Nachrichten im Internet.
You were reading your messages on the internet.
You were reading your messages on the internet.
Ihr habt das Foto aus dem Internet entfernt.
You removed the photo from the Internet.
You removed the photo from the Internet.
Es gibt hier einen drahtlosen Internetzugang.
There is a wireless Internet connection here.
There is a wireless Internet connection here.
More Example Sentences.
Die Internetbestellung.
The internet order.
The internet order.
Eine Welt ohne das Internet.
A world without the internet.
A world without the internet.
Was wäre ich ohne das Internet?
What would I be without the internet?
What would I be without the internet?
Denkt fürs Erste einfach an das Internet.
Just think of the internet for now.
Just think of the internet for now.
Das Internet macht unser Leben so viel einfacher.
The internet makes our lives so much easier.
The internet makes our lives so much easier.
Ich liebe es, viele Dinge im Internet zu kaufen.
I love buying a lot of things on the Internet.
I love buying a lot of things on the Internet.
Alles in allem denke ich, dass das Internet toll ist!
All in all, I think the internet is great!
All in all, I think the internet is great!
Manche können sogar süchtig nach dem Internet werden.
Some can even get addicted to the internet.
Some can even get addicted to the internet.
Es gibt auch Räuber und Betrüger im Internet.
There are also predators and scammers on the internet.
There are also predators and scammers on the internet.
Sie durchsuchte das Internet, sobald sie nach Hause kam.
She researched the internet as soon as she got home.
She researched the internet as soon as she got home.
Ich muss im Internet nach einem besseren Heilmittel suchen.
I have to look on the internet for a better cure.
I have to look on the internet for a better cure.
So ziemlich alles in meinem Leben stammt aus dem Internet.
Pretty much everything in my life comes from the internet.
Pretty much everything in my life comes from the internet.
Allerdings bin ich es nicht gewöhnt, Kleidung im Internet zu kaufen.
However, I am not used to buying clothes on the internet.
However, I am not used to buying clothes on the internet.
Ich habe sie im Internet für nur ein Drittel des Preises gefunden.
I found them on the internet for only a third of the price.
I found them on the internet for only a third of the price.
Zum Beispiel war es vor dem Internet sehr viel schwerer, zu reisen.
For example, it was much more difficult to travel before the internet.
For example, it was much more difficult to travel before the internet.
Es ist schwer zu glauben, dass das Internet erst kürzlich erfunden wurde.
It's hard to believe that the internet was only invented recently.
It's hard to believe that the internet was only invented recently.
Jetzt, wo ich darüber nachdenke, bringt das Internet auch ein paar Probleme.
Now that I think of it, the internet also brings a few problems.
Now that I think of it, the internet also brings a few problems.
Ich danke der jungen Frau und gehe zurück, um etwas Recherche im Internet zu betreiben.
I thank the young woman and I go back to do some research on the internet.
I thank the young woman and I go back to do some research on the internet.
Da sind Leute im Internet, die effektive Rezepte mit häuslichen Zutaten angeben.
There are people on the internet who give effective recipes with home ingredients.
There are people on the internet who give effective recipes with home ingredients.
Von nun an werde ich immer die gesamte Artikelbeschreibung lesen, bevor ich im Internet kaufe.
From now on, I will always read the entire item description before buying something on the internet.
From now on, I will always read the entire item description before buying something on the internet.