How to say Internet in Spanish?
What does Internet mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

Internet is translated in Spanish by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Is there internet access?

I saw your ad on the internet.

Yes, I booked on the internet.

Yes, there is internet access in the rooms.

You were reading your messages on the internet.

You removed the photo from the internet.
More Example Sentences.

The internet order.

A world without the internet.

Just think of the internet for now.

What would I be without the internet?

I love buying a lot of things on the Internet.

She researched the internet as soon as she got home.

I have to look on the internet for a better cure.

Some can even get addicted to the internet.

All in all, I think the internet is great!

Pretty much everything in my life comes from the internet.

The internet makes our lives so much easier.

There are also predators and scammers on the internet.

I found them on the internet for only a third of the price.

However, I am not used to buying clothes on the internet.

Now that I think of it, the internet also brings a few problems.

For example, it was much more difficult to travel before the internet.

It's hard to believe that the internet was only invented recently.

I thank the young woman and I go back to do some research on the internet.

There are people on the internet who give effective recipes with home ingredients.

From now on, I will always read the entire item description before buying on the internet.