How to say Juice in French?
What does Jus mean in English? French translations and examples in context.
Juice is translated in French by...
Le jus (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Est-ce que tu veux plus de jus?
Do you want more juice?
Do you want more juice?
Un verre de jus d'orange serait bien.
A glass of orange juice would be nice.
A glass of orange juice would be nice.
Je t'ai apporté un verre de jus papa.
I brought you a glass of juice dad.
I brought you a glass of juice dad.
Elle va boire un verre de jus.
She is going to drink a glass of juice.
She is going to drink a glass of juice.
Il veut au moins un verre de jus.
He wants at least one glass of juice.
He wants at least one glass of juice.
J'ai du café, du jus d'orange, du lait...
I have some coffee, some orange juice, some milk...
I have some coffee, some orange juice, some milk...
Ils buvaient du jus d'orange avant de se lever.
They were drinking orange juice before getting up.
They were drinking orange juice before getting up.
Je crois qu'elle a fait exprès de renverser son jus.
I think that she spilled her juice on purpose.
I think that she spilled her juice on purpose.