How to say Juice in German?
What does Saft mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

Juice is translated in German by...

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

A glass of orange juice, please.

Would you like more juice?

Which juice is the sweetest?

Which juice have you chosen?

I have coffee, orange juice, milk...

She will drink a glass of juice.

This fresh lemon juice is sour.

He wants at least one glass of juice.

They drank orange juice before getting up.

I would like to have a bit of orange juice please.

I think that she spilled her juice on purpose.
More Example Sentences.

It can't be any worse than tomato juice!

I pour the tomato juice on my dog and spread it all over him.

The shaman prescribed a drink made from the juice contained in the fruit.

I once heard that tomato juice was an effective remedy against skunk smell.