How to say Juice in German?
What does Saft mean in English? German translations and examples in context.
Juice is translated in German by...
Der Saft (m)
Example Sentences with Sound Clips.
Ein Glas Orangensaft, bitte.
A glass of orange juice, please.
A glass of orange juice, please.
Möchtest du mehr Saft?
Would you like more juice?
Would you like more juice?
Welcher Saft ist am süßesten?
Which juice is the sweetest?
Which juice is the sweetest?
Welchen Saft hast du gewählt?
Which juice have you chosen?
Which juice have you chosen?
Ich habe Kaffee, Orangensaft, Milch...
I have coffee, orange juice, milk...
I have coffee, orange juice, milk...
Sie wird ein Glas Saft trinken.
She will drink a glass of juice.
She will drink a glass of juice.
Dieser frische Zitronensaft ist sauer.
This fresh lemon juice is sour.
This fresh lemon juice is sour.
Er will mindestens ein Glas Saft.
He wants at least one glass of juice.
He wants at least one glass of juice.
Vor dem Aufstehen tranken sie Orangensaft.
They drank orange juice before getting up.
They drank orange juice before getting up.
Ich möchte bitte ein bisschen Orangensaft haben.
I would like to have a bit of orange juice please.
I would like to have a bit of orange juice please.
Ich glaube, dass sie ihren Saft mit Absicht vergossen hat.
I think that she spilled her juice on purpose.
I think that she spilled her juice on purpose.
More Example Sentences.
Es kann nicht schlimmer sein als Tomatensaft!
It can't be any worse than tomato juice!
It can't be any worse than tomato juice!
Ich gieße den Tomatensaft auf meinen Hund und verteile ihn komplett auf ihm.
I pour the tomato juice on my dog and spread it all over him.
I pour the tomato juice on my dog and spread it all over him.
Der Schamane verschrieb einen Trank, gemacht aus dem in dieser Frucht enthaltenen Saft.
The shaman prescribed a drink made from the juice contained in the fruit.
The shaman prescribed a drink made from the juice contained in the fruit.
Ich habe irgendwann gehört, dass Tomatensaft ein effektives Mittel gegen Stinktiergeruch sei.
I once heard that tomato juice was an effective remedy against skunk smell.
I once heard that tomato juice was an effective remedy against skunk smell.